Timed Shutdown Command Line Parameters ====================================== These can be used while starting Timed Shutdown to automatically configure it. This can be useful if you often use the same settings\trigger or if you want to use it at the end of a batch file. -cd This tells the program to use the Final Countdown option. I recommend you include this for all your shutdowns....just incase. :) -f This tells the program to use Force when shutting down. I recommend you use this when you want to be sure that your computer fully shuts down. -t123456 This is used when you want to use the Time trigger. The "-t" tells the program it's a Time trigger and after it you'll notice there are six digits. These are used to set the shutdown time. The first two are the hour (12), the next two are the minute (34) and the last two are the seconds (56). So for this example the shutdown will commence at 12:34 PM and 56 seconds. The time MUST be entered in 24 hour format eg. HHMMSS and ALL SIX digits must be used. By this I mean that if you wanted to set the time for 1 o'clock in the morning you would use 010000 and if it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon you would use 130000. NOTE: The hours should be between 00 and 23 and the minutes and seconds should be between 00 and 59. -i60 This is used when you want to use the Internet trigger. The two digits that follow are the time (in seconds) the program should wait before shutting down. I normally keep this at 60. Again you must use both digits!!! e.g. If you only want the program to wait 7 seconds then you must write 07 instead of just 7. NOTE: The wait value must be between 01 and 60. -u3059 This is used when you want to use the CPU Usage trigger. The four digits that follow the "-u" configure the settings. The first two (30) is the Target CPU Usage and the last two (59) is how long the CPU must be under that usage to shutdown. So for 3059 the CPU usage must be under 30% for 59 seconds. Again, all four digits must be used so if you wanted to use 8% then you would write it 0859. NOTE: CPU Usage must be between 01 and 99 and the wait value between 01 and 60. -d123456 This is used when you want to use the Countdown trigger. Similar to the Time trigger, the six digits are used to set the hours\minutes\seconds. In this case the shutdown will be triggered after 12 hours, 34 minutes and 56 seconds. Again it should follow the HHMMSS format. NOTE: The hours should be between 00 and 23 and the minutes and seconds should be between 00 and 59. The maximum countdown is 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. eg. -d235959 -a1 This selects what to do when the trigger is activated e.g.. Shutdown, Restart or Log off. The number after the "-a" corresponds to each action.. -a1 - Shutdown -a2 - Restart -a3 - Log Off -a4 - Hibernate -a5 - Disconnect If there is no "-a" switch present then the default will be to Shutdown. NOTE: The number after "-a" must be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. -s This is kept from the previous version and shuts down the computer without the need of a trigger. EXAMPLES: --------- Shutdown after lost internet connection for 60 seconds (final countdown, force)... "C:\Program Files\Timed Shutdown\T_Shutdown.exe" -i60 -f -cd Restart at 2:30 PM (final countdown, no force)... "C:\Program Files\Timed Shutdown\T_Shutdown.exe" -t143000 -cd -a2 Log off after CPU usage is less then 20% for 25 seconds. (no final countdown, force)... "C:\Program Files\Timed Shutdown\T_Shutdown.exe" -u2025 -f -a3 Shutdown after 12 minutes. (final countdown, no force)... "C:\Program Files\Timed Shutdown\T_Shutdown.exe" -d001200 -cd -a1 Shutdown straight away. (final countdown, force)... "C:\Program Files\Timed Shutdown\T_Shutdown.exe" -s -f -cd